Information Technology (IT) Sector

Sector functions are as follo​​ws:​

  • Advising on the country’s IT policy, in line with the fast-changing IT environment.
  • Regulating the IT sector.
  • Encouraging competition and investment in the IT sector and preventing unfair competition in the market.
  • Educating the public about importance of using and harnessing means of IT and the positive impact it has on the ​economic and social development of the country.
  • Developing plans and programs relating to the implementation of public policy for the sector of IT.
  • Setting requirements and technical and operational specifications related to national security.
  • Allocating, organizing, managing and addressing Top Level Domains (TLD) for the State of Kuwait (.kw) to access the internet in the interest of all the beneficiaries and in accordance with best practices and international standards followed in this field.​
